Automatically pickup blocks that you mine! If a block drops XP you get that too!
Command | Description | Permission |
/auto | Toggles AutoPickup (blocks) on or off. | autopickup.pickup.mined |
/drops | Toggles AutoPickup (mob drops) on or off. | autopickup.pickup.entities |
/autosmelt | Toggles Auto Smelt on or off. | autopickup.pickup.mined.autosmelt |
/auto reload | Reloads the config. | autopickup.admin |
[On Join] | Automatically force enables auto when a player joins the server | autopickup.pickup.mined.autoenabled |
[On Join] | Automatically force enables auto drops when a player joins the server | autopickup.pickup.entities.autoenabled |
[On Join] | Automatically force enables auto smelt when a player joins the server | autopickup.pickup.mined.autosmelt.autoenabled |
: Shows if AutoPickup is enabled for blocks.%autopickup_dropsenabled%
: Shows if AutoPickup is enabled for mob drops.%autopickup_autosmeltenabled%
: Shows if Auto Semlt in enabled.ConfigVersion: 1.4 ############################################################################################################# # _ _____ _ _ # # /\ | | | __ \ (_) | | # # / \ _ _ | |_ ___ | |__) | _ ___ | | __ _ _ _ __ # # / /\ \ | | | | | __| / _ \ | ___/ | | / __| | |/ / | | | | | '_ \ # # / ____ \ | |_| | | |_ | (_) | | | | | | (__ | < | |_| | | |_) | # # /_/ \_\ \__,_| \__| \___/ |_| |_| \___| |_|\_\ \__,_| | .__/ # # | | # # |_| # ############################################################################################################# # By: BUTTERFIELD8 & The Zircon Network # # Discord: # ############################################################################################################# #Message Prefix msgPrefix: "&8[&5Auto&d&oPickup&8]" #Toggle Message - /auto msgAutoPickupEnable: "&7You have&a enabled &7auto pickup." msgAutoPickupDisable: "&7You have&c disabled &7auto pickup." #Toggle Message - /autosmelt msgAutoSmeltEnable: "&7You have&a enabled &7auto smelt." msgAutoSmeltDisable: "&7You have&c disabled &7auto smelt." #Toggle Message - /drops msgAutoMobDropsEnable: "&7You have&a enabled &7auto drops." msgAutoMobDropsDisable: "&7You have&c disabled &7auto drops." #Aditional toggling messages msgAutoEnable: "&7Auto pickup has been automatically&a enabled&7." doAutoEnableMSG: true msgEnabledJoinMSG: "&7Auto pickup has been automatically&a enabled&7." doEnabledOnJoinMSG: true #Reload Config Message msgReload: "&cReloaded Config" #Fully Inventory Message msgFullInv: "&7Your inventory is full!" doFullInvMSG: true titlebar: doTitleBar: false line1: "&cWarning" line2: "&7Inventory is full!" #This is most useful for prison servers! -- This setting is not normally recommended #This feature voids any extra blocks broken when /auto is enabled and the inventory is full! voidOnFullInv: false #If set to true AutoPickup will ignore XP drop calculations from when using a silk spawner plugin. usingSilkSpawnerPlugin: true #If set to true mobs will naturally drop XP ignoreMobXPDrops: false #Plase does not have permission msgNoperms: "&cYou don't have permission to use this command" #Require Permissions | Do players require permission to run commands? requirePerms: autopickup: true auto-reload: true
############################################################################################################# # _ _____ _ _ # # /\ | | | __ \ (_) | | B L A C K L I S T . Y M L # # / \ _ _ | |_ ___ | |__) | _ ___ | | __ _ _ _ __ # # / /\ \ | | | | | __| / _ \ | ___/ | | / __| | |/ / | | | | | '_ \ # # / ____ \ | |_| | | |_ | (_) | | | | | | (__ | < | |_| | | |_) | # # /_/ \_\ \__,_| \__| \___/ |_| |_| \___| |_|\_\ \__,_| | .__/ # # | | # # |_| # ############################################################################################################# # By: BUTTERFIELD8 & The Zircon Network # # Discord: # # Material Names: # # Entity Names: # ############################################################################################################# #Set to "true" if you would like to enable the blacklist doBlacklisted: false doBlacklistedEntities: true doAutoSmeltBlacklist: false #By listing blocks below you are adding them to the blacklist therefore causing them to drop to the ground. Blacklisted: - DIRT - SAND BlacklistedEntities: - PLAYER BlacklistedWorlds: - example #These materials will be ignored when auto smelt is enabled. Only items that can be smelted should be added. AutoSmeltBlacklist: - OAK_LOG
############################################################################################################# # _ _____ _ _ # # /\ | | | __ \ (_) | | P A P I . Y M L # # / \ _ _ | |_ ___ | |__) | _ ___ | | __ _ _ _ __ # # / /\ \ | | | | | __| / _ \ | ___/ | | / __| | |/ / | | | | | '_ \ # # / ____ \ | |_| | | |_ | (_) | | | | | | (__ | < | |_| | | |_) | # # /_/ \_\ \__,_| \__| \___/ |_| |_| \___| |_|\_\ \__,_| | .__/ # # | | # # |_| # ############################################################################################################# # By: BUTTERFIELD8 & The Zircon Network # # Discord: # ############################################################################################################# papi: enabled: true: "&aEnabled" false: "&cDisabled"