
Mine spawners with silk touch enjoying the same core features of Silky Spawners & SilkSpawners

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What is Silky Spawners LITE? Silky Spawners Lite is a remake/recode of my first ever spigot plugin which I made for my server. This version works like any other silk touch plugin out there and is the base/strip down version of silky spawners which will be used to add cool features that you don't normally get in a free plugin like upgradeable spawners.


Commands and Permissions

Command Description Permission
/silky help View the list of sub commands No permission
/silky type [type] Changes a spawners type. Must be looking at (5 blocks) or have a spawner in hand. silkyspawners.change.look + Spawner wintin 5 blocks
/sily give [type] Give's yourself or others a spawner silkyspawners.give.self
/auto reload Reloads the config. silkyspawners.admin
[Mine Spawners] Drops a spwner when mined by a player with Silk Touch silkyspawners.mine

PlaceholderAPI Placeholders


bStats Chart

Config Files

#        _____ _ _ _               _____                                                #
#       / ____(_) | |             / ____|                                     L I T E   #
#      | (___  _| | | ___   _    | (___  _ __   __ ___      ___ __   ___ _ __ ___       #
#       \___ \| | | |/ / | | |    \___ \| '_ \ / _` \ \ /\ / / '_ \ / _ \ '__/ __|      #
#       ____) | | |   <| |_| |    ____) | |_) | (_| |\ V  V /| | | |  __/ |  \__ \      #
#      |_____/|_|_|_|\_\\__, |   |_____/| .__/ \__,_| \_/\_/ |_| |_|\___|_|  |___/      #
#                        __/ |          | |                                             #
#                       |___/           |_|                                             #
#                                                                                       #
# By: BUTTERFIELD8 & The Zircon Network                                                 #
# Discord:                                                   #
# Materials:          #

#Should a minded spawner drop to the ground or to the players inventory. [true=ground | false=inventory]
doDrop2Ground: true

#If enabled players will need to confirm to break spawners if they do not have the "silkyspawners.mine" permission or silk touch.
#If set to false (default) the spawner will break like a vanilla spawner.
doPreventBreaking: false

#Anvil Rename - This will allow players to change the name of a Spawner.
#Please note if 'true' players will be able to rename spawners and this can be used to scam them!
anvilRename: false

#Require tool:
#(Set to "AIR" to disable this feature. Use Spigot material names for select pickaxes)
requiredTool: AIR

#Should players be able to mine spawners without the permission.
requireMineperm: true

#Should silk touch be required to break a spawner?
requireSilk: true

#Drop Chance -> 0.00 = 0% | 1.00 = 100%
spawnerDropChance: 1.00

#Sets the cost of mining a spawner if enabled.
#PLEASE NOTE: This will require Vault to work!
    enabled: false
    price: 50.00
    sendMSG: true

#Blacklist worlds that you don't want player to be able to mine spawners.
#This would cause the spawner to break and drop xp for all worlds on the blacklist!
    - exampleworld
#        _____ _ _ _               _____                                                #
#       / ____(_) | |             / ____|                                     L I T E   #
#      | (___  _| | | ___   _    | (___  _ __   __ ___      ___ __   ___ _ __ ___       #
#       \___ \| | | |/ / | | |    \___ \| '_ \ / _` \ \ /\ / / '_ \ / _ \ '__/ __|      #
#       ____) | | |   <| |_| |    ____) | |_) | (_| |\ V  V /| | | |  __/ |  \__ \      #
#      |_____/|_|_|_|\_\\__, |   |_____/| .__/ \__,_| \_/\_/ |_| |_|\___|_|  |___/      #
#                        __/ |          | |                                             #
#                       |___/           |_|          L A N G . Y M L                    #
#                                                                                       #
# By: BUTTERFIELD8 & The Zircon Network                                                 #
# Discord:                                                   #

#Chat messages - Edit the plugins messages!
msgPrefix: "&8[&bSilky&6&lSpawners&8]&r"
msgNoPerms: "&cYou don't have permission to do that."
msgFullInv: "&aYour inventory is full. The spawner has been dropped!"
msgBreakSpawner: "&bYou have broken a spawner."
msgDiabledAnvil: "&cYou may not rename a spawner."
msgNotSpawner: "&cThe selected block is not a spawner."
msgSpawnerChanged: "&bYou changed a spawner to {TYPE}"
msgSpawnerTypeError: "&cUnknown mob type '{TYPE}' If the mob name has a space use a '_'"
msgGiveSelf: "&bYou have given yourself a &3{TYPE} &bspawner."
msgGiveOther: "&bYou have given &3{TARGET} &ba &3{TYPE} &bspawner"
msgReceiveSpawner: "&bYou received a &3{TYPE} &bspawner."
msgReload: "&cReloaded!"
msgChargedOnMine: "&7You were charged &6${PRICE} &7for mining a spawner!"
msgFundsNeeded: "&cYou cannot afford to do that!"
msgYouMayNotBreakThis: "&eYou do not have permission to break a spawner or you are missing silk touch. You may shift-click while mining to break this spawner."

#Help Menu [\n ] = New Line
helpTitle: "&3Silky&6&lSpawners &b<&3< &aHelp Menu &3>&b>\n "
helpHelp: "&b⛏ &a/Silky help - This Menu"
helpGive: "&b⛏ &c/Silky give [type]   - Gives user a spawner"
helpSpawner: "&b⛏ &c/Silky type [type] - Change a spawners type"
helpReload: "&b⛏ &c/Silky reload - Reloads config"

#This is the deny items msg displayed when players try and rename a spawner.
itemDiabledAnvil: "&cYou may not rename this item."

#Controll the appearance of the name of mined spawners.
#Supports color codes & hex colors [Hex: &#000000]
#Placeholders: {TYPE} = Spigot Entity Name i.e. PIG, SHEEP, or COW
#Placeholders: {TYPE-Minecraft} = Minecraft Entity Name i.e. Pig, Sheep, or Cow
spawnerName: "&b{TYPE-Minecraft} Spawner"